Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Top 10 celebs and their strange phobias

1. Billie Bob Thorton – Panophobia, fear of antique furniture. The actor told Oprah Winfrey: "Maybe it’s a past-life thing and I got beat to death with some old chair. I don’t really know. But anyway … I’m totally serious. And I can’t eat around antiques.”

2. Alfred Hitchcock – Ovophobia, fear of eggs. The director’s assistant once said: “He hates eggs.”

3. Marilyn Monroe – Agoraphobia, fear of public or open places. This seems to be a strange phobia for an actress, but hey, another blond bombshell, Kim Basinger, had the very same fear.

4. Natalie Wood – Aquaphobia, fear of water. When she was young, she had to cross a bridge in a movie scene. It was set to collapse but her mother lied to her and said it was safe.

5. Johnny Depp – Clourophobia, fear or clowns. Depp once told the media: “Something about the painted face, the fake smile. There always seemed to be a darkness lurking just under the surface, a potential for real evil.”

6. John Madden – Aerophobia, fear of flying. This sports announcer makes sure he travels by road rather than air all the time. 

7. Christina Ricci – Botanophobia, fear of indoor houseplants. Ricci explains: “They are dirty. If I have to touch one, after already being repulsed by the fact that there is a plant indoors, then it just freaks me out.”

8. Madonna – Brontophobia, fear of thunder. The singer should never come to Johannesburg in the summer, those thunderstorms will leave her scarred for life! 

9. Howard Hughes – Mysophobia, fear of germs. So bad was his fear that he once wore tissue boxes on his feet to protect them from germs. 

10. Sigmund Freud – Siderodromophobia, fear of train travel. On a train journey he saw gas jets for the first time and said it looked like souls burning in hell.

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