Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Top 10 inventions we should have had by now

1. Time machines: Ah, we can think of many a Pandora’s Box that could be opened, or reopened... Where would we start?

2. Anti-gravity mechanisms: It’s not fair that only astronauts get to have all the fun. Imagine how useful this would be in a bar? No more stumbling and making an idiot of yourself.

3. Hologram images from TV: This would be awesome on so many levels, but imagine the sport!

4. Laser weapons (ahem, light sabers): Two words – Luke Skywalker

5. Android robots: Okay, we're getting closer, but we still don't have ones we can interact with, à la Kitt from Knight Rider.

6. Teleportation gadget: We could all say “Beam me up, Scotty” and see the world in a matter of hours.

7. Flying cars:  Think Harry Potter. Think Speed Racer. Think open spaces and no speed limits.

8. Personal flying jet packs: No more hassling with airport security. Have toenail clippers will travel.

9. Memory Eraser Machine: We all have something we want to forget, or something we want our better halves to forget, much like from Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. Now, what were we saying again?

10. Hoverboards: Surfing on air? Hello! We could all be as cool as Michael J Fox in his Back to the Future movies.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

Top 10 quotes from Julius Malema

1. July 2008: During President Zuma’s rape trial, Malema said Zuma would lead the country from prison if he was arrested.

2. September 2008: In lobbying for Jacob Zuma to become president: "Any force in our way we will eliminate. We are on a mission here. We will crush you. It doesn't matter who you are, even if you are in the ANC."

3. January 2009: Commenting on the woman who accused Jacob Zuma of rape: "When a woman didn't enjoy it, she leaves early in the morning. Those who had a nice time will wait until the sun comes out, request breakfast and ask for taxi money."

4. February 2009: In response to a dispute Minister Naledi Pandor was dealing with at the Tshwane University of Technology, Malema said she should “use her fake American accent to address our problems".

5. February 2009: He refuses to a public debate with his Democratic Alliance (DA) counterpart Khume Ramulifho, saying he will not discuss anything with "Helen Zille's garden boys".

6. May 2009: After DA leader Helen Zille took control of the Western Cape province, Malema calls her a “racist little girl” and says, “Zille has appointed an all male cabinet of useless people, the majority of whom are her boyfriends and concubines so that she can continue to sleep around with them, yet she claims to have the moral authority to question our President.”

7. October 2009: During the prosecution of police National Commissioner Jackie Selebi: “ In Jackie Selebi they want to prove a point they failed to prove in Zuma: that we [Africans] are corrupt, we like easy money, we like alcohol, we like women and we've got no skill."

8. April 2010: During a press conference, he kicks out BBC journalist Jonah Fisher, calling him a “bastard and a bloody agent".

9. April 2011: Malema calls on South Africans to vote so that Nelson Mandela remains healthy. "President Mandela is sick and you don't want to contribute to a worsening condition of Mandela by not voting ANC. President Mandela will never endure if the ANC is out of power."

10. August 2011: During a speech at the University of Johannesburg: “"Mandela was not released by De Klerk. Mandela was released by South Africa. De Klerk remains the enemy... We don't need De Klerk as a role model.”